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CS 222.  Artificial Intelligence Programming

Thorough treatment of LISP, from fundamentals to advanced techniques.
General searching methods for problem solving, including planning and
backtracking. Brief survey of relevant programming languages, such as
Planner and  QA4.  Production systems  and  other forms  of  pattern-
directed  computation.  Survey of relevant  languages, such as EMYCIN
and  PSG.  Schematized   representations  of  knowledge.   Survey  of
relevant representation languages: UNITS, KLONE, FRL, KRL, RLL.

This year, there will be some (40%) overlap with CS206.
Students having taken 206 this Fall are welcome to sign up.
Others should have had at least some programming experience,
and either taken 224 or take it concurrently

In future years, CS206 will be a prerequisite, and CS224 a
pre- or co-requisite.

Doug Lenat